
my last semester == sem 7 started!

monday reach coll at 9.30am

got bit hungry, went breakfast with nis

roti canai..

then toh also come eat but not sit with me ya^^

when we finish, i feel like wanna ''tapao'' milo ais to class n drink

who knows toh go n pay our bill~

so thanks him.. n wait till he go i only ''tapao'' my milo

after that only go to lecture hall

thought got orientation.. but dun hv also

after ms jeanne gave us our timetable n a form to fill in

then she ask us to go to our class M05

Pn Siti class... she seem like emo that day

so we also kept quiet.. coz she edy teach us 1 sem

finish at 1pm.. went to lotus~ wao!! damn pack la man!!

lucky just 4 of us.. no need to find long table.. ^^


afternoon class with mr julian

aiyo~ got smell... yer!!

teach us till 3.30pm

then need to take bus to 223

coz dear dun wan come to barat le~~

when we walk out i saw the bus just left

lucky the busy road no car.. so we run to the opposite way to wait for bus

n so lucky that the uncle stopped because of us.. hehe

nis n vim get down at station n i need to take bus to 223

saw dear n joyce called me

ask me about the timetable..

after that dear got come my house awhile...

when he left i feel so tired le.. so i sms my teacher n said i cant work^^

lazy leh~~~


today class at 11am

but if i take train sure damn early reach n need to wait for nis n vim

so dear fetch me to college.. hehe [1st time o]

but i dy confirm he will late even though his class at 9am

around 8.40am he only reach my house


we reach 223.. then he gave me psp n charger..

i played awhile n met sugu..

sugu said she din go for class.. n her phone rosak cant sms...

just a little while she get in to stamford bus

play awhile n met dear come down..

chat awhile then i also get into bus..

i get down at aj station n take lrt to tj n wait for them

[dear sorry le.. i lie to u...]

i know dear will scold me after he saw this.. but i dun wan lie him la..

i know like that wasting money n energy.. sorry le dear dun angry me o...

reach college we went to lotus for breakfast.. hehe

11am mr lim's class.. aiyo~ dun like him la

lucky got psp

but i give to nis to play le.. i salin notes.. [rajin leh?]

break time i saw dear n doremi at barat..hehe

so long din met doremi .. blek!

then went back to class continue ..

nis said loon is here.. but i cant c him.. i saw doremi only.. haiz

mayb they went for lunch lo~

after class we had our lunch at MCIS [my god! mummy ask me dun eat malay food le]

we finish food then nis , cass n vim went back le

me, sanggy n maggie stay at in the lab awhile

sanggy waiting for jack.. then i'm waiting my time pass

after that went to 223 sit oursite the library..

saw lilly n wei wei.. wei wei said hi to me...

then wait so long dear also not yet come up

after he come up then he bring me go library sit..

he just come awhile then back to class

in the library i play psp..

but play till i tired n can closed my eyes..

but cant le. coz scare scare~~ hehe

dear said 3.30pm will come who knows 3.50pm only come.!!


he fetch me home n come n house awhile.. ^^

after he go home i also go prepare to go work.. but really damn tired lo...

while mummy fetch bro go tuition.. on the way i also sleep le...

n lucky jam... then i can sleep more.. hehee

reach working centre work.. while marking my eyes can close le...

but still need to finish up my work..

i think around 7.45pm, Ray came...

huh! sure i handle de... no choice

ok lo~ he damn cute actually but just not listen to ppl only

he wan something from me. but i dun wan give.. he angry n throw something to the floor..

i go n pick n bang it to the table

his mom come in n scold him.. n also bring him out

he cried outside the class

then his mom pull him in n ask him to say something to me.. [sorry]

but he dun wan n still wan that thing from me..

his mom bring him out again.. n i pass the homework to his brother..

he dun wan n ask his brother throw it to dustbin so he go n throw

aiyo~~ i ask RYan to pick up n give me... at last Ray got say sorry to me n i also wan go home le

hehe~ is ok la~~ i din angry him.. just dun wan he so manja la~~


yeah yeah~~ reach home n eat (((PRAWN))) so happy le

coz damn long long time din eat le.. so yummy!! muaxx


hurray~~ tomolo no class... n thursday also class cancel.. hehehe

so just go on friday~~ but friday full day leh~~ heheheeh



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